Wednesday 21 January 2015

988 Malachy II High King of Ireland

In 980 Olaf Cuarán, King of Dublin, was defeated by Máel Sechnaill at Tara. Máel Sechnaill followed up his victory with a siege of Dublin which surrendered after three days and nights. Máel Sechnaill mac Domnaill (948 - 1022), also called Máel Sechnaill MórMáel Sechnaill II, anglicized Malachy II, was King of Mide and High King of Ireland. His great victory at the Battle of Tara against Olaf Cuaran resulted in Gaelic control of the Kingdom of Dublin and as a result the founding of Dublin is counted by some from the year 988, although a village had existed on the site of Dublin since before the Roman occupation of Great Britain nearly a thousand years earlier.

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