Monday 2 February 2015

1216 Great Charter of Ireland

The Great Charter of Ireland (also known as the Magna Charta Hiberniae) was an issue of the English Magna Carta (Great Charter of Liberties) and it secured rights for the Anglo-Norman magnates in Ireland. King Henry III of England's Charter of 1216 was issued for Ireland in November 1216 but not transmitted to Ireland until February 1217. The Charter was reissued in 1217 as in England. It was in effect the application of the Magna Carta to Ireland, with appropriate substitutions (such as "Dublin" for "London", and "Irish Church" for "Church of England"). The only known copy of the Charter was once to be found in the Red Book of the Dublin Court of Exchequer. The Red Book was destroyed in the explosion at the Four Courts in Dublin, in 1922, but the Charter had been recorded by H. F. Berry in Early Statutes of Ireland (1907).

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